A Comic PDF is a simple PDF containing the comic. It is viewable with Adobe or numerous other software applications.

A Comic CBZ is a zip file containing images of the pages of the comic. It is viewable with ComicSeer and several other software applications, as well as simply unzipping the file and viewing the images in alphabetical order.

A LIVE! Comic is HTML and Javascript/jQuery to display the text and images of the comic/game, along with occasional special effects. Another way to think of it is as a game with linear gameplay (a single play-path through the game). It is viewable/playable with a web browser (though Internet Explorer is somewhat less compatible, as usual — try to use a different browser if you can, though that is not essential). To view a LIVE! Comic, unzip it into a temporary folder, then browse the .html file in that temporary folder with your choice of web browser. That’s all there is to it. Have fun.

A game built with Ganesha is HTML and Javascript/jQuery. It has features to proceed through the game with menus and choices, following simple game logic written by the author, and to save and reload your place in the game. It is playable with a web browser (though Internet Explorer is somewhat less compatible, as usual, especially with saving/reloading your place in the game — try to use a different browser if you can, though that is not essential). To play the game, unzip it into a temporary folder, then browse the .html file in that temporary folder with your choice of web browser. That’s all there is to it. Have fun, and good luck.