You could make her true north point to a person

Chapter 10 of book 2 of “A Matter of Will” is now available.
Kyle has the idea to make Letty’s true north point to Jackson, and Jackson’s true north point to Jen. That way the putz might appreciate what he lost with his dumb-headedness; and the tramp might appreciate her hubby running after another woman. Oh yeah, and lots more sex.
Hope you enjoy! I’ll have the next chapter ready about Mar 21st.
Live well,
As a reminder, the link below is for the most-recent freely-available version.
The R-rated (and unrated) links are available to supporters through Patreon and Subscribestar.
If you get impatient and want to read ahead to see how the story ends, the entire series is available at Amazon and at Smashwords.
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